Contactless donations made easy with QR codes

After our quick 15-minute setup, your charity can start accepting donations and forging new long-term relationships with your supporters.
Accept donations in under 10 seconds using:
We are proud to support and help raise funds for

Now supporting charities located in

With more countries coming in Q3 2023, contact us for more information

How it works

Donate in seconds with 3 simple steps... A typical donation takes less than 10 seconds!

1. Scan

Donor opens the camera on their mobile device and scans the QR code

2. Review

They confirm the amount and type of donation they want to make

3. Donate

Quick payment is taken with Apple Pay, Google Pay or a Credit / Debit Card
Maple Webflow template

Build fast, launch faster

CMS Structure

Build and launch quickly with Maple template

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About us
“Making an impact, together”
UI Kit

Build and launch quickly with Maple template

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About us
“Making an impact, together”
Fully responsive

Build and launch quickly with Maple template

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About us
“Making an impact, together”

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Unattended and Self-Service

Accept donations anywhere, anytime.

It’s quick and easy to make your collection buckets, posters, and marketing materials interactive. We’ll help you generate QR codes.
Get Started

No Credit Card Required

Customised donation journey

A branded donation experience that reflects your charities identity.

Use our custom branding tools to provide a bespoke donation experience to your supporters and fundraisers. Apply your branding to your QR codes, donation pages and e-mails.

Get Started

No Credit Card Required

Campaign insights at your fingertips

Understand donor behaviour and track success.

The QR Pay platform is designed to make fundraising simple and informative. We provide real-time insights to shape and grow your future campaigns whilst saving you time.
Get Started

No Credit Card Required

"Maple was the only provider that could support our growth ambitions."
Gianna Johnson
"Maple was the only provider that could support our growth ambitions."
Gianna Johnson
"QR codes have proven to be an invaluable addition to our fundraising strategy, adding many more donation points within the church."
Hugo Kennard
Cirencester Parish Church